We’re back with the latest edition of the humans of data newsletter.

How’s your week been so far? Ours has been super busy. 

Over the past few years, our data team has been working tirelessly to aggregate data from over 600+ data sources to democratize access to external data for humans of data worldwide. 

This week, we launched our entire data repository as an API, with a free sandbox environment for teams everywhere! 🎉💃

Meet Atlan Grid API

With the API, you can enrich your understanding of any entity — customers, outlets or geographies — with indicators like affluence, demographics, movement trends, infrastructure and more. 

Within minutes (yes, you heard that right). All updated as of 2019!

Atlan Grid’s data enrichment APIs. Get you free trial here.

How does it work, you ask? When you enter the location of your customer, you can access information on their economic profile, demography, affluence, and more. Easy peasy!

Curious to know more? Check out an informative piece on Atlan Grid data API here.

I’m nervous, excited, and super proud of our data team. You know how these moments are! 

P.S. I’d love it if you could take the API for a spin and share your feedback! 🙏 If you like what you see, don’t forget to give our data team a shout out on Twitter. 

Click to Tweet 🐤

Whew! Now that we’re all caught up, it’s time for some knowledge sharing. 🎓📝 

I’ve put together some must-read resources from the world of data, including knowledge graphs, managing teams of data scientists, DataOps, and NoSQL. 

Oh, and upcoming events that you should consider attending.

So, put your reading glasses on and let’s dig in!

Our top reads for you

FEATURED: Reconciling your data and the world with knowledge graphs

Akash Tandon

Despite being a popular topic of discussion and being at the core of some of the biggest technology companies worldwide, knowledge graphs are often misunderstood.

To help with the dilemma, our in-house Data Engineer Akash defines knowledge graphs in the simplest possible terms. He also explores the applications, use cases and challenges with knowledge graphs.

Read on to find out more about the potential of knowledge graphs.

The care and feeding of data scientists—How to build, manage and retain a data science team

Michelangelo D’Agostino and Katie Malone

With an increase in the demand for data scientists, comes the need for data science leadership. Data scientists are difficult to hire, and effectively managing them is critical to retaining them within your organization. After all, people don’t stick around if you mess up. 

Here’s a handy resource from O’Reilly to help you be a better manager and ensure that your team of data scientists is productive, motivated, and happy at work. Happy reading!

Explaining SQL and NoSQL to Grandma

Sebastian Scholl

NoSQL isn’t just a buzzword. It’s a movement. As a data professional, deciding what database technology to use is quite important. 

Here’s an article from Sebastian Scholl that explains the high-level differences between SQL and NoSQL technologies in the simplest possible terms. Something that even your grandma would understand. Read on.

DataOps is NOT just DevOps for data


You’re probably tired of hearing this all the time. We get it. Let’s bust those misconceptions. 

Here’s an article from DataKitchen that dives into the differences between the DataOps and DevOps lifecycles, inherent processes and implementation. 

How Maury saved millions and unified the world with data in the 1800s

Christine Garcia

This is the story of a project where nations put aside their differences, shared data and collaborated to make our oceans safer for humanity.

Matthew Fontaine Maury
Image courtesy: Library of Congress.

One man—Matthew Fontaine Maury—and his team, worked on a massive data collection project in collaboration with 10 different countries, using data in dozens of languages.

Read on to know more about the world’s first operational data supply chain.

P.S. The name of our company, Atlan, is a tribute to these legendary humans of data.

Save the date

PyCon SG | October 10-12, 2019 | Republic Polytechnic, Singapore

Attention all Python users, PyCon Singapore is here! Learn about a wide-range of topics such as building pipelines, NLP, Pandas, automation and more. 

The impressive line-up of speakers includes data scientists, DevOps engineers, developers, and other data professionals from DBS, Elastic, Twilio, Red Hat, Deloitte and Facebook, among others.

Interested? Register here.

Data Natives Conference | November 25-26, 2019 | Kühlhaus Berlin

Europe’s biggest data science gathering is here! The organizers believe this is your chance to meet the “biggest and the coolest audience” from the tech scene in Berlin and Europe. 

At Data Natives, you can listen to mind-blowing talks from SubSpaceAI, Juniper, Deutsche Telecom, iFood, Vodafone, VentureBeat, and more. 

If you’re interested, register here.

That’s it, folks! Stay tuned for more such content from your fellow humans of data.


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